5 Key Risks Travel Agents Face: How to Develop a Risk Management Plan

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When starting a new travel business, your first concern is how to get clients. You ask questions like “How much money do travel agents make?” or “Where do I source the right travel marketing and media?” As clients begin to trickle in, you’re suddenly faced with a confusing mass of deeper questions. How do you […]

How to Qualify a Travel Client: 8 Powerful Questions to Ask

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As a travel advisor, you spend a lot of time crafting blissful itineraries, only to have your prospect ghost you or reply with a “thanks, but no thanks” kind of message. Someone fills out your “contact” form on your website inquiring about a honeymoon to Tulum. You’re eager to start planning the details! You map […]

New Travel Agent Tips for Client Building (seasoned advisors too!)

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After a challenging couple of years for travel, things are ramping up again. The travel industry saw nearly 60% of its travel agent salesforce leave the industry when vacationing was severely limited during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. This has created a wide opening for new agents to enter the market. If you’re just […]

Client Onboarding: Strategies for Travel Agents

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Your prospect said YES! They are ready to work with you. You’ve successfully turned a lead into a prospect, and that prospect is now a new client. Woo-hoo! So, what’s next? Now that the customer is excited to work with you and is ready to sign on the dotted line, how do you get them […]

How to Promote Your Travel Agency and Get More Clients

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Do you want to work with ideal clients who appreciate you and your travel services, and are a joy to work with? It’s definitely possible! In this blog post, we will give you five tips on how to find and win ideal clients for your travel agency. We’ll teach you how to create an elevator […]

Travel Agency Reviews: Who Cares What They Think About You?

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In life, I’m all about not really caring what others think or say about me. I live my life, in my own way, with my own standards; and make my own choices, without worrying about whether anybody else agrees or not! In the business world—it’s a totally different story: What others think and say about […]

How to Get Travel Agency Clients (and keep them)

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It Starts With Building Your Trust Bank I want to talk about TRUST. I believe it’s powerful to look at client relationships as a bank of trust, and every interaction is either a deposit or a withdrawal. But what does that mean? Whenever you give attention to your prospects or clients’ needs and keep your […]

TIS Celebrates First Year Anniversary

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Travel Industry Solutions (TIS), a leading developer of business, operations and legal solutions for the travel agency business, is celebrating its one-year anniversary as the industry’s first complete solution to assist travel professionals in remaining compliant with industry standards and systematically grow their businesses with proven and field-tested tools. READ MORE here on Insider Travel […]

Scope Creep: How Travel Agents Lose Money

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Everybody is talking about fees, fees, fees. Yes, we all know that when you charge a fee, you: But, nobody is talking about scope creep! What is it? How does it affect your profitability? And, how can you get rid of it altogether? Scope creep is not a term that’s often used in the travel […]

Functionality Rules

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Architect Louis Sullivan coined the phrase, Form follows function. His protégé, the renowned Frank Lloyd Wright, advanced the concept, as he designed what he referred to as organic architecture in harmony with humans and the environment. When you really think about it, it’s difficult to identify anything useful that does not affirm the importance of […]