Separating the Wheat from the Chaff

The Hallmarks of Travel Industry

…navigating a new universe of travel gurus We, at TIS absolutely love our partners! By working so closely together on mutually beneficial projects, I and my partner organizations’ leaders have the opportunity to get to know each other very well. One of the results—all of which have been positive—is discovering how closely aligned our thinking […]

The Oasis of Organization

Tools for Travel Advisors

Over recent years, many people who had spent their entire lives as victims of disorganization and chaos have learned organizational skills—thanks to a global, self-help movement toward achieving a sense of order. Television shows about hoarders have earned surprisingly good ratings, and talk shows have featured psychologists and experts on order have touted the importance […]

The Reality of Relationships

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The Reality of Relationships I’ve been thinking a lot lately about relationships. For the most part, relationships don’t just happen. I’m not talking about those once-in-a-lifetime, lightning-strike, romantic miracles you occasionally might hear about! What I’m referring to here is the reality of relationships we build with our travel clients. That reality cannot be over-emphasized: Not only […]

Increasing Your Efficiency and Improving Your Bottom Line: Easy as 1,2,3!

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Making small changes in doing what you do can make all the difference in how you attract and retain customers, as well as how you grow your bank account! And as the industry rebounds, you’ll want to have in place these three simple steps to help improve efficiencies in your operations, effectiveness in your work, […]

Travel Agent Planning FEES

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Most—if not all—travel professionals I’m speaking with right now are considering making a shift to fee-based planning. And if you aren’t, you certainly should be! Having gone through a year of losses, it’s critical to (at least) explore transitioning your business from a commission-only structure to non-refundable fee-based travel services. Advisors and agency owners who […]

How TIS Helps Travel Agencies Increase Revenue

Insider Video: How Travel Industry Solutions Helps Travel Agencies Increase Revenue. Sheila Folk, founder and owner of Travel Industry Solutions, talks with Insider Travel Report about how her compliant travel agency contracts and ready-to-implement booking tools are a game changer in helping thousands of travel advisors and agency owners remain one step ahead through simple […]

Proactive Customer Service Strategies

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At Travel Industry Solutions, our commitment to providing proactive customer service means delivering actionable and relevant tools, guidance, and information designed to fill our clients’ needs. The bad news for anyone content with just getting by is that this level of service doesn’t just happen by default. You must make it happen. That’s why it’s […]

A New Year, a New Resource

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We at Travel Industry Solutions (TIS) take great pleasure in welcoming 2021 with a deep sigh of relief! After a year fraught with unprecedented medical and financial hardships resulting from the global pandemic, we look forward to the opportunities that lie ahead, especially in the travel industry. We are especially excited about our people, our […]

E&O Insurance for Travel Agents

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Did you know? We’ve spoken to many advisors who rely on their host agency’s or agency owners Errors and Omissions Insurance to cover them in the event of a claim. But, did you know that you may not be covered? Errors and omissions insurance (E&O), also known as professional liability insurance, is vital for your […]

CDC Announcement

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Have no fear. We’ve got your back! This week, the CDC announced new requirements for travelers entering the United States: Before departure to the United States, a required test, combined with the CDC recommendations to get tested again 3-5 days after arrival and stay home for 7 days post-travel, will help slow the spread of […]